RoR Development: Top 7 Tools to Simplify App Development In 2020


One of the scripting languages of general use, Ruby was created in the year 1995, nearly two decades ago. Still, of the top 10 programming languages, it is considered to be the most object-oriented, dynamic one. A stunning visual blend of Ruby's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files helps form clean, high-quality web applications.

A decade later, however, after its development, David Heinemeier Hansson brought the Ruby programming language to the next level, with a powerful library being added while he was developing Basecamp. He used the fundamental basis of the app to construct building blocks for potential usage from which the rails system originated.

And now, we know how Ruby originated on Rails. The new version was versatile, adaptable, expandable, expandable, and an open-source part. Over time, Ruby on Rails has been improved with new features and functionalities that represent a significant advance in the future of web development.

Significance of RoR

Nowadays, most of the developers are trying to incorporate the latest cutting-edge technology and tools on their web development projects. Even if there are many wonderful IDEs taking the world of web development by storm, Ruby on Rails has always been one of the most effective and secure ones for the app development process.

Building web applications through a quick and cost-effective method of development, Ruby on Rails is a dynamic, open-source programming language that comes with an elegant syntax that makes reading and writing easy. Simplicity and efficiency are the primary emphases.

To even the most accomplished developers, keeping the code clean and structured when creating a large Rails framework can be a grueling job. There is a myriad of tools and resources available which facilitate the work for developers. Such tools not only help keep their code safe and well organized, but they also simplify the entire process by making it less time consuming and boring.

If you have struggled to manage, secure, and optimize your code, check out this list of integrated development tools currently available in the market. Both are simple to use and allow effortless optimization of your work while helping you create fantastic applications.


Sinatra is a web application library of incredibly simple, free, and open-source applications. It is great with unparalleled ease for writing domain-specific Web applications. Well defined and easy to get started, Sinatra is great particularly for developing smaller, fast-running applications.


Rubocop is a Ruby static code analyzer inspecting the code and telling you what's wrong with its design and often helping to spot bugs even before they happen. An evaluation module called Cop analyzes the notation variance, grammar, and complexity of your code while ensuring that your code is compiled using the standards for Ruby community code. Being highly configurable, Rubocops gives you the ability to turn it on or off from a file called rubocop.yml with a threshold value.


A tool frequented by large numbers of web designers, software developers, and others working in similar fields, Guard is a perfect means of avoiding mundane, repetitive actions and commands. It automates various tasks that are based on custom rules whenever files or directories are updated. After modifying settings or source files, it helps do away with mundane actions and comments such as "relaunching."


Brakeman is an open-source security and vulnerability scanner developed specifically for Ruby on Rails applications, which scans through the code and offers a cleanly formatted table of potential issues. Since it just focuses on the source code, you are not expected to set up the whole application stack to use it. This useful tool can be used to thoroughly examine the code and spot possible security vulnerabilities at different stages of the Rails application development.


Pry is considered one of the most useful Ruby gems as a fairly flexible and efficient IRB alternative and runtime developer console. This includes features including highlighting syntax, a robust plugin framework, invocation and source runtime, and browsing documentation. Getting a certain degree of flexibility makes Pry a perfect tool for user development when it comes to custom shell use. Pry is basically a form of REPL, an interactive programming environment that receives feedback from a user, analyzes it, and returns the result to the user.


The Bullet gem is a perfect tool for monitoring inefficiencies and reporting. A perfect way to remove all N+1 queries and other eagerly loaded relationships by showing warning boxes that pop up in the browser during development mode. This monitors your queries and alerts you when you are needed to use the counter cache, or when you should use the eager loading and should not. It is a fairly useful tool for optimizing your program.


Opal helps you to run Ruby over a server. It is a compiler running on any browser which runs Ruby to Javascript. Or put it another way, it transforms the Ruby you write into Javascript. This is also an implantation runtime and a corelib. Opal in combination with the Guard gem helps the development process even further.

There is no question that while Ruby is no longer the newest new language on the market it is one of the world's most common and widely used programming languages. By integrating these tools, developers are able to build powerful web applications by implementing various tools from the increasingly growing Ruby community.