Top 7 Tools For Front-end Web Development in 2021

Front-end web development tools and technologies are constantly evolving. If it isn't a new tool, it is most likely an updated version of an existing tool. Every front-end developer's wishlist includes the dynamic of accomplishing more with minimal input.

Choosing the right tools to accelerate your front-end development process in 2021 is what keeps you ahead of the game as a front-end developer.

If you're curious about what makes a tool a great candidate for your front-end development needs, look no further. It's not as hard as you all think; it just needs to be faster, better, more responsive, and an open-source platform.

On this list, you will find everything you need. Let's get started!

1. Sublime Text

Let's start from the beginning: a first-rate code editor with a well-designed, extremely efficient, and lightning-fast user interface. Of course, a few do this extremely well enough, but Sublime Text is reasonably the best and the most popular and recommended.

The puzzle behind Sublime's success lies in the program's vast collection of shortcuts (keyboard) – like the ability to execute real-time editing (making the same interactive changes to many locations at the same time) and quick access to files, symbols, and lines And when you're working with your editor for 8+ hours a day, those few moments saved for each step add quickly.

2. Chrome Developer Tools

Wouldn't it just be great if you could update your HTML and CSS in real-time, as well as debugging your JavaScript, all while receiving a thorough performance audit of your website?

Google's Chrome Developer Tools enable you to do precisely that. They are packaged and available in both Chrome and Safari, and they provide developers with access to the internals of their online applications. A palette of network tools can also help optimise your loading flows, while a timeline provides a more in-depth insight into what the browser is doing at any given time.

3. jQuery

JavaScript has long been regarded as a strong front-end language by developers. Still, it is not without flaws: riddled with browser quirks, its relatively difficult and impenetrable syntax indicated that javascript frequently sacrificed functionality.

That is, until 2006 when jQuery–a quick, lightweight, cross-platform JavaScript framework targeted at easing the front-end process–appeared. jQuery expanded the possibilities for creating animations, adding plug-ins, and even traversing documents by removing much functionality that was previously left to developers to handle on their own.

And it's certainly successful–in 2015, jQuery was by far the most popular JavaScript library, with installations on 65% of the top 10 million most-trafficked websites on the web.

4. GitHub

It's every developer's worst nightmare: you're working on a new project feature when something goes wrong. Then, version control systems (VCS)–specifically GitHub–come into play.

By deploying your project with the service, you can see any changes you've made and even revert to a previous state (making pesky mistakes a thing of the past). There are numerous reasons why GitHub is essential for developers. The repository hosting service also has a robust open-source development community (which makes team communication a breeze) and other components for each project, such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis.

Many employers will be looking for well-honed Git abilities, so now is the time to sign up–plus, it's a wonderful opportunity to get engaged and learn from the best, with a diverse set of open-source projects to work on.

5. Twitter Bootstrap

Are you sick of creating the same styling for a container over and over? What about the button that keeps popping up? When you begin building front-end applications regularly, you will find that the same patterns arise.

UI frameworks attempt to overcome these challenges by abstracting the common aspects into reusable modules, allowing developers to quickly and easily scaffold the elements of the latest apps.

The most popularly used framework is Bootstrap, a complete UI toolkit created by the Twitter team. With capabilities for normalising stylesheets, creating modal objects, adding JavaScript plug-ins, and a slew of other features, Bootstrap may drastically reduce the amount of code (and effort) required to develop your project.

6. AngularJS (AngularJS)

HTML is often the foundation of every front-end developer's toolkit, but it has what many consider to be a significant flaw: it was not built to manage dynamic views.

This is where the open-source web framework AngularJS comes in. AngularJS, created by Google, allows you to extend your application's HTML syntax, resulting in a more expressive, readable, and quick-to-develop environment that could not have been built using HTML alone.

The project is not without critics: few believe that this type of data binding results in messy, non-separated code, but we still believe it's an important ability to have in your front-end kit.

6. AngularJS (AngularJS)

HTML is often the foundation of every front-end developer's toolkit, but it has what many consider to be a significant flaw: it was not built to manage dynamic views.

This is where the open-source web framework AngularJS comes in. AngularJS, created by Google, allows you to extend your application's HTML syntax, resulting in a more expressive, readable, and quick-to-develop environment that could not have been built using HTML alone.

The project is not without critics: some believe that this type of data binding results in messy, non-separated code, but we still believe it's an important ability to have in your front-end kit.

7. Sass

Web development tools that save you time will be your greatest friend, one of the first lessons you'll discover about code is that it must be DRY ("Don't Repeat Yourself"). Sad to say, the second thing you'll notice is that CSS is rarely DRY.

Enter the CSS preprocessor, a tool that will help you build robust, future-proof code while reducing the amount of CSS you must write (keeping it DRY).

Sass, an eight-year-old open-source project that very much established the genre of current CSS preprocessors, is perhaps the most well-known. Even though a bit difficult to grasp at first, Sass's mixture of variables, nesting, and mixins will produce simple CSS when compiled, resulting in more legible and (most importantly) DRY stylesheets.

Final Thoughts

Sublime Text and GitHub are licenced tools from the top Web Development Tools list above. GitHub also has a free plan. AngularJS and Sass are both free to use.

Our top web development tools are AngularJS, Chrome Dev Tools, and Sass. In addition, the various frameworks available with Sass can assist you in getting started with your design. So, here are some prominent front-end web app development technologies in 2021 that both developers and organisations should be aware of. Adios amigos have a happy web development!