Shri Krishna Technologies
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Shri Krishna Technologies WordPress Experts for over 12 years

Shri Krishna Technologies is a WordPress website design and development company situated in Nagpur. It offers website hosting, domain name registration, and website maintenance, among other services. It has been in business for 12 years and specializes in WordPress. I've designed over 3000 websites. Website customization and PSD to HTML conversion.

Works done by Shri Krishna Technologies

The Netmen Corp

web development,

The Netmen corp is one of the leading logo designing companies based in Argentina and has been doing business for over 15 years. We created their website to showcase their previous and current work profile and for customers to book them for getting their corporate identity or logo or branding done from them.

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Technologies used

  • wordpress


web development,

A global not-for-profit ministry focused largely on serving refugees, especially those from the Middle East. We strive to transform the lives of refugees and displaced people through the power of worship music and humanitarian support.

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Technologies used

  • wordpress

Bio Care

web designing,

Bio Care is a Pvt. Ltd company based in India. They were looking for a website that exhibits their motto clearly to the world i.e. save the environment via sustainable agriculture.

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Technologies used

  • wordpress