Best Freelancer Script
Overall Score

Best Freelancer Script Freelance Marketplace Php Script

Bestfreelancerscript is the best portal for startups looking for an affordable solution to get started with their freelancing business online. The team has launched a beneficial and powerful freelance website script with advanced admin panel features, freelancer’s features, employer’s features and security features.

Works done by Best Freelancer Script

Freelancenearme - Hire or Find Freelancers & Freelance Jobs Near Me

software development, web designing, web development,

Freelancenearme is the platform that offers freelance jobs in your local area. Employers will hire freelancers based on their skills and professional experience and in todays age with the Nomad Lifestyle being top of the preferred way of working.

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Technologies used

  • codeigniter
  • mysql
  • php

Gigjobb för frilansare i Sverige -

software development, web designing, web development,

Sök gigjobb och personer som söker konsultuppdrag via - plattformen där arbetsgivare och arbetstagare möts. Skapa ett konto idag - det är helt gratis!

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Technologies used

  • codeigniter
  • jquery
  • mysql
  • php


software development, web designing, web development,

Mesh is a talent marketplace that connects business with freelancers offering services in graphics design, digital marketing, writing and much more.

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Technologies used

  • php